Event Logo Image
Grillin' & Brewin' 2024
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Event Registration
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Individual Ticket $0.00

One Reserved Table for 4 (4 included) $0.00

One Reserved Table for 6 (6 included) $0.00

Moonshiner (8 included) $0.00
  • 1 - Reserved table for eight (8 guests)
  • Includes 1 BBQ meal and 2 drink tickets per person

Smoking King (8 included) $0.00
  • 1 - Reserved table in a premier location for eight (8 guests)
  • Recognition on our website
  • Includes 1 BBQ meal and 2 drink tickets per person

Pit Boss (10 included) $0.00
  • 1 - Reserved table in a premier location for ten (10 guests)
  • Recognition on our website & social media
  • Signage at the event
  • VIP hostess and service
  • Includes 1 BBQ meal and 2 drink tickets per person

Brew Master (12 included) $0.00
  • 1 - Reserved table in a premier location for twelve (12 guests) 
  • Logo placement on our website & social media
  • Signage and verbal recognition at the event
  • VIP hostess and service
  • Includes 1 BBQ meand and 2 drink tickets per person

Grand Champion (24 included) $0.00
  • 2 - Reserved tables for twelve (24 guests) in a premier location 
  • Prominent logo placement on our website & social media
  • Signage and verbal recognition at the event
  • Personalized photos with Joe Peters
  • VIP hostess and service
  • Includes 1 BBQ meal and 2 drink tickets per person
Support our Educational Program
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Got the Dot Presenting Sponsor $0.00
  • Logo on all Got the Dot educational material

Got the Dot Club Walk-A-Thon Event Sponsor $0.00
  • Signage recognition at the Walk-A-Thon and event webpage, social media and step & repeat

Got the Dot Walk-A-Thon T-Shirt Sponsor $0.00
  • Logo recognition on T-shirt for participants

GTD High School Leadership Scholarship Company Sponsor $0.00
  • The company is invited to present scholarships to students at the Presentation night on May 5, 2025
Event Support
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Joe Peters' Entertainment Sponsor $0.00
  • Signage and recognition at event

Valet Parking Sponsor $0.00
  • Signage and recognition at the event

Commemorative Logoed Pilsner Glass Sponsor Sold Out
0 Remaining

Logoed Cocktail Napkin Sponsor $0.00

Logoed Dinner Napkins $0.00

I would like to make a donation

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I authorize JJ's Legacy to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Grillin' & Brewin' 2024. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Paddles Up




Wine Wall


Lori & Joe
